<div class="bbWrapper">ATM Butterflies got crushed last Friday, ABE reading of 21. A reading of 21 is terrible to enter or hold a near the money Butterfly/Condor. The ABE knew it beforehand. Today is a different story. We needed to move the Round table for this tool to next week. I look forward to talking about it with all of you.<br />
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Post if you used the ABE and avoided the blow out on friday, or got into a great trade on friday with it. <br />
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<a href="https://forums.aeromir.com/attachments/1695054439300-png.4721/"
target="_blank"><img src="https://forums.aeromir.com/data/attachments/4/4722-ff0c0ee3684e9951dfcf156a518325be.jpg?hash=_wwO42hOmV"
class="bbImage "
width="433" height="150" loading="lazy" /></a></div>