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  • <div class="bbWrapper">Michael - thanks for following me - if you are not aware, you may also want to follow my YouTube at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@sjgtrades" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">https://www.youtube.com/@sjgtrades</a> and my website at sjgtrades.com (it is actually pre-launch right now and still getting dialed in - but should be good to go by March 1).</div>
    Hi Steve. Thanks. I subscribed to your YouTube channel yesterday afternoon. The videos you posted on your recent earnings calendar trades were well done.
    Steve G
    Steve G
    Thank you Michael - I really appreciate the feedback. If you want a little more insight into butterflies too - you can sign up on my website to get a video on them along with a special offer on my services: https://www.sjgtrades.com/why-trade-butterflies
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